Toggling between Standard Footprints and Wiring-Diagram-Style Footprints.How to use Footprints created with plain "vanilla" AutoCAD®.How to get AutoCAD® Electrical subassembly parts into the BOM with unique item numbers.How to define a feed-through terminal block with 3 connection points, 2 on one side and one on the other side.Using AutoCAD® Electrical to create a power bus from terminal blocks.AutoCAD® Electrical allows the Schematic to also serve as a Wiring Diagram.Adding Cable Data to a Wire From/To Report.Using the Fan-in/Fan-out feature to document cables and cable cores.Adding auxiliary contacts to the BOM on an as-needed basis with the ASSEMBLYCODE.Managing auxiliary contacts with AutoCAD® Electrical.Understanding the WDBLKNAM attribute in AutoCAD® Electrical.Understanding some of the optional symbol attributes used by AutoCAD® Electrical.Understanding some of the various support files used by AutoCAD® Electrical.Understanding the enhanced catalog number Lookup capabilities of AutoCAD® Electrical version 2011.Creating a preferred vendor parts catalog for AutoCAD® Electrical.Sub-Project solutions for AutoCAD® Electrical.Converting plain "Legacy" AutoCAD® drawings to AutoCAD® Electrical format.

Understanding the differences between AutoCAD® and AutoCAD® Electrical.12 steps for creating your own custom "smart" border/title block template for AutoCAD® Electrical.INDEX (click text to advance to area of interest) The Multi-Label tool for AutoCAD® Electrical, available exclusively from Doug McAlexander, Inc.The System-wide Update Block tool for AutoCAD® Electrical, available exclusively from Doug McAlexander, Inc.