After cutting his teeth on tech writing at Lifehacker and working his way up, he left as Weekend Editor and transferred over to How-To Geek in 2010. He's been in love with technology since his earliest memories of writing simple computer programs with his grandfather, but his tech writing career took shape back in 2007 when he joined the Lifehacker team as their very first intern.

Jason has over a decade of experience in publishing and has penned thousands of articles during his time at LifeSavvy, Review Geek, How-To Geek, and Lifehacker. Prior to that, he was the Founding Editor of Review Geek. Prior to his current role, Jason spent several years as Editor-in-Chief of LifeSavvy, How-To Geek's sister site focused on tips, tricks, and advice on everything from kitchen gadgets to home improvement. He oversees the day-to-day operations of the site to ensure readers have the most up-to-date information on everything from operating systems to gadgets. Jason Fitzpatrick is the Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. (Remember, "fulfilled by Amazon does not guarantee a genuine product.) If you must shop on Amazon, be sure you're buying a product marked "fulfilled by Amazon" and be ready to return it if it ends up that the product is not an official model. If you can find it cheaper from a reputable retailer, then by all means jump on it. The MSRP of the official bundle $59.95, and you'll usually find it at close to that price at places like Best Buy. Related: I Got Scammed by a Counterfeiter on Amazon. And hey, if you only need the USB receiver, you can always sell the controller on Craigslist and try to get your money back.

Despite the Xbox 360 getting a little long in the tooth, you can still find official Xbox 360 "For Windows" controller packs both on the shelves at many electronics retailers, online, and directly from Microsoft. If you don't mind paying a premium (and potentially buying an extra controller you don't need) then the most frustration-free and guaranteed-to-work method is to buy the official Xbox 360 wireless controller for Windows bundle.